Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In the interest of honesty

My Whole 30 turned into a Whole 11. I made it 11 days and then I was hangry. I'm going to assume it's all the training I am doing and the fact that I probably wasn't consuming enough calories. I am still going to stick with a mostly paleo diet. I've got to figure out how to balance nutrition and training. What I really need to do is pick up my copy of  The Paleo Diet for Athletes and finish reading it!

I will also be reading this article that I found on Mark's Daily Apple. There is so much information out there I need to start taking advantage of it!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Back on the Wagon...Again

It's been a yummy past few weeks, during which I have ingested way too much sugar, alcohol, and delicious holiday foods. I finally got to the point where I was feeling like a slug and decided it was time to get back on the nutrition wagon.

I am on day 3 of the Whole 30 and in just those few days I am feeling so much better! The Whole 30 is a much stricter plan than I usually follow but I feel like it will really help me to cleanse my system. After the 30 days is over I will indulge in the occasional glass of wine and dark chocolate. This girl has to have her chocolate! I feel that if you don't indulge every once in a blue moon it's more likely that you'll completely go off the nutrition plan. I know not everyone sees it this way but c'est la vie.

Anyway, for tonight's dinner I prepared some lemony baked chicken breasts, roasted root veggies, and a salad.

Ina Garten's Lemon Chicken Breasts (I omitted the wine)
Roasted carrots, parsnips, Granny Smith apples, with olive oil, cinnamon, and fresh cracked black pepper

My dinner plate
Dessert:  cantaloupe, black berries, blue berries, and walnuts
My belly is now full and I'm headed off to bed. I have an orientation meeting tomorrow afternoon with the tri group that I will be training with for my half IM (Memorial Hermann Ironman 70.3 Texas). I am super excited to be training with a group again! Training starts Sunday, I'll let you know how it goes! My first 70.3 woot woot!