Monday, November 28, 2011

Let me introduce myself

October 2008

May 2009 
Hi, I’m Lea. I’m a wife, stay home mom to two boys (ages 3 and 5), and an endurance athlete. Endurance sports are what help to keep me sane. I haven’t always been an athlete. In fact, aside from being on the crew team for two years in high school I’ve pretty much been a couch potato. Fast forward through college and two pregnancies and I found that I went from a size 8 to a size 16.

In 2009 I was miserable at a size 14/16 with two toddlers in diapers to chase around and had a stressed marriage. In order to cope with the stress I started walking. Every day I would put my boys in the stroller and I would walk. One day I decided that I would try running. That lasted for about a minute! However, over time I walked less and ran more. The weight was coming off and I was feeling better. I started seeing a personal trainer and got even better results. Things were looking up. Late in 2009 I got a flyer from Team in Training in the mail. That led me to enter the endurance sports world in 2010 and I haven’t left.

It’s now nearing the end of 2011 and I have completed several 5k and 10k races, 1 marathon,  2 half marathons, 2 olympic distance triathlons, 2 sprint distance triathlons, and 1 ten mile trail race. I am back to a size 6/8 and feeling better than ever. I am enjoying raising my boys and happy in my marriage.

June 2010 

October 2011 
So, what’s next? I’ve got a half marathon on the schedule for December and then it’s on to half ironman training. I anticipate tough long hours of training but also look forward to finding the strength within to push myself further than I’ve been before. I hope you’ll follow along with me on my next endeavor. I’m sure there will be ups and downs and at times will be very unglamorous, but it’s going to be exciting!

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