Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Back on the Wagon

Beef Stew, mmm

Ah, the holidays, the time of year when it's so so easy to pack on the pounds. I recently completed a fitness challenge and in 8 weeks went from 135 lbs and 24.5% body fat to 127.6 lbs and 22.1% body fat. I was so proud of myself. I stuck with my plan of eating a Paleo diet along with training for RunGirl 13.1 and got great results. Then came Thanksgiving...dun dun dunnn...

My family and I traveled to my in-law's out of state. I planned on sticking to my Paleo diet but fell off the wagon only a few hours into our trip. Once I got to our destination it only got worse. The pie, oh the pie! Eggnog sweet potato, pecan, chocolate, coconut, and pumpkin! Yes, I ate some of every single one. More often than not there were multiple pieces involved! I have no one to blame but myself and I take full responsibility for my pie eating ways and the 4 extra pounds I came home with.

Now I am home and back on the wagon. There is no pie here and there will be no pie here. I have filled my refrigerator with vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry and coconut milk. I have nuts and seeds in the pantry. I will prepare most, if not all, of my meals here at home.  I am officially back on the wagon!

In true wagon style I made beef stew for dinner last night. I omitted the flour and potatoes that would normally be used. I seared off the beef in bacon grease (mmm, bacon) and used turnips, parsnips, carrots, celery, onions and garlic. I also kicked it up a bit and added some chopped kale toward the end.

Not a bad way to get back on the wagon. I'm going to try my best to stay here, but it's going to be tough. This week alone I've got 2 Christmas parties to attend, and I'm hosting 3 Christmas weekends for family! I better start planning the menu!

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