Monday, December 5, 2011


 On two different occasions this past month I have had the honor of witnessing elderly athletes compete. I was a volunteer timer at a Master's swim meet and got to see many elderly swimmers, 65+ in age, kick butt. Seriously, I think some of them could swim circles around me!

Another time I was running a trail race, The Big Dog Ultra Trail Run (5m, 10m, 20m, 50k options). I ran the 10 mile race. Out on the trail I passed an elderly and exchanged pleasantries, me: Hi, how's it going? man: Just enjoying life. I'm pretty sure he was the 76 year old who finished the 50k!

What he said stuck with me..."Just enjoying life". I am going to make an effort to not get wrapped up in my training schedule and competition. I can be very competitive and sometimes am very hard on myself when I don't perform as I'd like. I need to remember the feeling of joy that running, biking and swimming brings. I am a much happier and healthier person since I started exercising and I want to remain that way until I'm grey haired and elderly.

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