Monday, February 6, 2012

Longest Brick EVARRRR!!!

The weather here in Texas has been crappy lately. One day it's sunny and 75 degrees and then it's storming and 50 degrees the next. Needless to say, thunderstorms and cycling don't mix (at least not for me). I have no desire to be struck by lightening or bust my ass on a slick road!
See, not a good idea!
Since we've had such bad weather I haven't ridden on the road at all this tri season, it's been all trainer. I do a spin class with my training group during the week, which is actually fun. But, it's when our weekend long rides get cancelled (3 times now, ugh) that I have to spend 1 1/2 hours (or more) sitting on the trainer. I do not enjoy straight spinning! It could be likened to mental and physical torture.
Training tool or torture device, hmm?
So, when I got an email yesterday morning at 5:15 a.m. saying that the group ride had been cancelled (again) I decided to go out on my own. The bad weather had not reached my area of town yet and it looked like a had a 4 hour window to get my ride done. I had a 40 mile ride and 2 mile run on my schedule. I was determined to get as much done as possible. I wasn't so sure I could do the whole ride since I've never ridden further than 30 miles and I haven't been on the road this season.

Because I haven't been on the road in a while and because of the threat of thunder storms I opted to ride at Dwight D. Eisenhower park. The park has a 1.6 loop of paved road surrounded by woods, a fishing pond and nature trails. If you tack on the entry and exit roads you can make it a 3.5 mile loop. Another nice thing is that there is little to no traffic! You do have to watch for deer standing in the road though. I came across eight of them yesterday!
Aside from the deer and the gusting winds my ride was pretty damn boring. At mile 20 I was kind of over it. But I rode on. At mile 25 I wanted to quit. I rode on. At mile 30 I tried to convince myself to go back to my car and put on my running shoes. I rode on. At mile 32 I really wanted to be off my bike, but then I realized that I had ridden past my longest ever and I was in new territory. At mile 35 I was hurting and wanted to quit but I only had 5 miles left. I rode on. Finally, at mile 38, it was time to head back to the car! I ended up riding 40.6 miles because I miscalculated just a bit. Riding around a small loop umpteen times will do that to you! Click here if you'd like to see me go around and around and around :)

When I was finally done with my ride I loaded up my bike and put on my trusty Saucony Kinvara 2s and ran the prescribed two miles. I was surprised to run it at a 10:15 pace. I was expecting to hobble along. I guess all this training is paying off.

I'm becoming more confident and really starting to look forward to race day!
Memorial Hermann Ironman 70.3 Texas, here I come!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In the interest of honesty

My Whole 30 turned into a Whole 11. I made it 11 days and then I was hangry. I'm going to assume it's all the training I am doing and the fact that I probably wasn't consuming enough calories. I am still going to stick with a mostly paleo diet. I've got to figure out how to balance nutrition and training. What I really need to do is pick up my copy of  The Paleo Diet for Athletes and finish reading it!

I will also be reading this article that I found on Mark's Daily Apple. There is so much information out there I need to start taking advantage of it!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Back on the Wagon...Again

It's been a yummy past few weeks, during which I have ingested way too much sugar, alcohol, and delicious holiday foods. I finally got to the point where I was feeling like a slug and decided it was time to get back on the nutrition wagon.

I am on day 3 of the Whole 30 and in just those few days I am feeling so much better! The Whole 30 is a much stricter plan than I usually follow but I feel like it will really help me to cleanse my system. After the 30 days is over I will indulge in the occasional glass of wine and dark chocolate. This girl has to have her chocolate! I feel that if you don't indulge every once in a blue moon it's more likely that you'll completely go off the nutrition plan. I know not everyone sees it this way but c'est la vie.

Anyway, for tonight's dinner I prepared some lemony baked chicken breasts, roasted root veggies, and a salad.

Ina Garten's Lemon Chicken Breasts (I omitted the wine)
Roasted carrots, parsnips, Granny Smith apples, with olive oil, cinnamon, and fresh cracked black pepper

My dinner plate
Dessert:  cantaloupe, black berries, blue berries, and walnuts
My belly is now full and I'm headed off to bed. I have an orientation meeting tomorrow afternoon with the tri group that I will be training with for my half IM (Memorial Hermann Ironman 70.3 Texas). I am super excited to be training with a group again! Training starts Sunday, I'll let you know how it goes! My first 70.3 woot woot!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Breakthrough moment

I have hairy sasqatch legs at the moment so I opted to wear some long workout pants and a new tank (my prize for winning the Healthy bodies contest ) to the gym tonight. This is not my usual attire so I didn't feel 100% comfortable (which is kind of funny because I usually wear a lot less but I guess with different fabric and fit it made a difference to me). As I was gathering up my things and heading out the door I started to ask my husband, "Does this make..." and then I stopped myself. Well, of course he wanted to know what I was going to say so I told him, "I was going to ask you if this made me look fat." But before he could roll his eyes I followed up with, "I know I'm not fat and I don't know why I was going to ask you that. I am not going to ask you that stupid question anymore because I'M NOT FAT!!!" And his response, "Good, because I wouldn't tell you even if you did". I love that man! He loves me for me.

For the majority of my 32 years I have felt fat or less than good enough. Why? I always excelled in school, had lots of friends, and have pretty much been successful at whatever I tried. I'm not sure when this self deprecating began but I do know when it will end. RIGHT NOW!!! I am smart. I am a good daughter, mother, wife & friend. I am a good cook. I am strong. I am an attractive woman. I am a fierce competitor.  I am a marathoner. I am a triathlete. I am healthy. I am bad ass.

Just look at the bad assness!

I had an "aha!" moment today. I hope that if you struggle with self deprecating ways that you too have an "aha!" moment. We are all bad ass in our own way!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Post Race Funk

I was, and still am, ecstatic about my PR on Sunday. However, yesterday and today I have been in a post race funk. I'm sure it's due in part to me eating everything and anything in sight regardless of whether it's whole and nutritious or not. I've also been pretty uncomfortable physically, Sunday the pain was in my left knee and right calf, Monday I was super stiff and the pain was in my hips, quads, and calves, and today I am just slightly sore.

I am itching to get out there and move! Sadly, both my boys are home sick so there won't be any running or gym time until my hubby is home this evening. It's only been two days and I already don't know what to do with myself. I miss my training schedule. Sure, there's plenty of laundry, dishes, and other household chores I could be doing, not to mention preparing for Christmas. But all I want to do is get out of my house and run! I feel like I might just be a tiny bit crazy. I wonder if everyone feels like this when their "A" race is over.

Am I putting too much emphasis on training? Or is it that it's become such a part of me that I don't know how to fill the time otherwise? 

I will be starting half IM training in January, which isn't too far off, but it seems like forever. Sigh...

Monday, December 12, 2011

RunGirl 13.1 Race Report

Race day started early with my alarm going off at 4:30 a.m. My first thought was, "I need COFFEE!" I drank my Community Cafe Special and played on the computer for a while so that I could wake up. I like having extra time to slowly come alive in the mornings. Then it was time for my pre-race meal. I ate scrambled eggs with olive oil, yellow bell pepper & scallions, avocado, blackberries, banana, and strawberries. Since I was up so early I had plenty of time for my food to digest.

Pre-race meal
Pretty peppy for 5 a.m.

Then it was time to get dressed. The weather forecast was 44 degrees warming to about 49 degrees, overcast, winds up to 10 mph, humidity around 55%, with a 10% chance of rain. I really had a hard time deciding what I was going to wear. I didn't want to be cold but I also didn't want to be too hot. I ended up deciding on capri running tights, long sleeved tech shirt, ear warmers, a vest, and light gloves.

I headed out to the race at 6 a.m. I arrived at the race site an hour and a half early, doh! I didn't want to be late and I sure wasn't. I had plenty of time to drink my 20 oz bottle of water, visit the facilities (twice) and take a few photos. However, I spent most of my time sitting in my car where it was nice and warm. I went over and over my race plan in my head. My plan was to take a gel 10 minutes before race start and then one every 45 minutes and to just take in water on the course. Plan for pace was to start out at a 10:30 pace and work up to a 10:00 pace through the race. Ultimate plan was to run my race and not worry about what everyone else was doing.

Hiding out in my car until race start. I was SO COLD!!!
My inspirational photo of the morning. I was going to cross that finish line and hopefully with a PR!

Finally it was 8:00 a.m. and I lined up in the starting chute with 873 other women. I positioned myself in the back of the 10:00 pace group. It was a sea of pinks, purples, and other vibrant colors. There was a quiet excitement hovering over the crowd. And then we were off!

In the starting chute

It took a couple of seconds to get going but then I was moving! I looked down at my Garmin and I was going at a sub 10:00 pace, not the plan. I tried to slow it down but with the adrenaline and all the runners around me I just kept going at that pace. I was feeling great! At the 10k point I had run my fastest 10k ever! Again I said to myself, "You've got to slow down. You're going to burn out!" but I kept going.

Around mile 7 or 8 my left knee and right calf started to bug me. The knee is a long standing issue so I just tried to ignore it. The calf is a more recent injury that I'm pretty sure I got while  doing speed work which was way too fast for me. The pain wasn't so bad that I thought I might really injure myself so I kept on trucking!

Sometime during mile 9 or 10 I decided that I was going to drop the hammer the last two miles. I knew I was set up to PR but I wanted to do the best I possibly could. I wanted to put every ounce of effort my body contained out there on the course. Those last two miles were painful and I remember grimacing and grunting quite a bit. Then I saw the finish line and I sprinted the last tenth of a mile.

I had done it a new PR! I finished in 2:08:36. That is 22:30 faster than my previous PR! I ranked 51 out of 161 in my age group and 254 out of 874 overall. My splits according to my Garmin: 9:49, 9:53, 9:58, 10:02, 10:09, 9:40, 9:38, 9:59, 10:03, 9:50, 9:52, 9:13, 9:09, 7:39 (.19 mile).

I stuck to my nutrition plan which worked and even though I didn't stick to my pace plan things worked out in my favor. Perhaps I got lucky or maybe I underestimated myself. I guess I'll find out the next time I race a half marathon. But for now I'm just stoked about my new PR! 

My awesome post race pic provided for FREE by RunGirl 13.1!

After the race I headed over to the post race festivities and ate almost everything in sight. Paleo went out the window and I had this rice and meat concoction from My Fit Foods, an egg and bacon burrito from Juan's Big Burrito, a banana, hot chocolate and my favorite a mini lemon bundt cake with cream cheese frosting from Nothing Bundt Cakes. Then I took advantage of the free photo at the Flashbox booth, so cute! Finally I had a massage provided by Koala Health & Wellness. That massage hurt so good!

Once my belly was full and I'd perused all the goodies I decided to head home. When I got there my husband came outside and gave me a round of applause. He is so sweet. My boys congratulated me too, although I'm not sure they understood how excited I was about my PR. They did comment on what an awesome medal I received.

RunGirl 13.1 finisher's medal with removable charm

After all the congratulations it was time for the dreaded ice bath. I prepared a steaming hot mug of cinnamon spice tea and headed to the tub. I sat in the ice bath for about 10 minutes then took a hot shower and got into some sweats.

I spent the rest of the day lounging around in my CEP compression socks and icing my knee and calf every two hours. My husband was very accommodating and got me anything I needed and kept watch of our boys. I love that man! This morning I woke up a little stiff and very sore but my knee and calf pain have diminished some. I'll probably hobble around most of today but it was totally worth it!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Me me me me me me me

I'm feeling a bit guilty. Yesterday my husband called and asked if I could pick him up from work early because he was nauseated. My first thought was, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! You better not have a stomach virus!!!! I have a race on Sunday!!!!!" My second thought was, "Oh, my poor husband". Anyway, he came home and seemed to be doing better last night. This morning he got up and dressed for work and I thought, "Whew, I dodged a bullet!" (<---see that there, yeah I'm selfish). I even gave him a kiss thinking that we were in the clear. Then he vomited in our backyard on our way out to the car! Ugh, poor husband. Possibly poor rest of the family, we'll just have to wait and see.

I feel like there is a ticking time bomb in my house right now. I'm waiting to feel the pangs of nausea hit or for one of the kids to vomit. This is torture! I have trained for 12 damned weeks and I want a PR on this race. No pressure, right?

Selfish me, I'm the one putting all the pressure on myself. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!
Well, I've put in all of the training hours and it's my goal so I feel like I can be a little selfish right now.

On a side note, I did go and get some soup and crackers for my ill husband. I do care about how he's feeling. I just pray that he keeps his funk to himself!