Friday, December 9, 2011

Me me me me me me me

I'm feeling a bit guilty. Yesterday my husband called and asked if I could pick him up from work early because he was nauseated. My first thought was, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! You better not have a stomach virus!!!! I have a race on Sunday!!!!!" My second thought was, "Oh, my poor husband". Anyway, he came home and seemed to be doing better last night. This morning he got up and dressed for work and I thought, "Whew, I dodged a bullet!" (<---see that there, yeah I'm selfish). I even gave him a kiss thinking that we were in the clear. Then he vomited in our backyard on our way out to the car! Ugh, poor husband. Possibly poor rest of the family, we'll just have to wait and see.

I feel like there is a ticking time bomb in my house right now. I'm waiting to feel the pangs of nausea hit or for one of the kids to vomit. This is torture! I have trained for 12 damned weeks and I want a PR on this race. No pressure, right?

Selfish me, I'm the one putting all the pressure on myself. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!
Well, I've put in all of the training hours and it's my goal so I feel like I can be a little selfish right now.

On a side note, I did go and get some soup and crackers for my ill husband. I do care about how he's feeling. I just pray that he keeps his funk to himself!

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