Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Post Race Funk

I was, and still am, ecstatic about my PR on Sunday. However, yesterday and today I have been in a post race funk. I'm sure it's due in part to me eating everything and anything in sight regardless of whether it's whole and nutritious or not. I've also been pretty uncomfortable physically, Sunday the pain was in my left knee and right calf, Monday I was super stiff and the pain was in my hips, quads, and calves, and today I am just slightly sore.

I am itching to get out there and move! Sadly, both my boys are home sick so there won't be any running or gym time until my hubby is home this evening. It's only been two days and I already don't know what to do with myself. I miss my training schedule. Sure, there's plenty of laundry, dishes, and other household chores I could be doing, not to mention preparing for Christmas. But all I want to do is get out of my house and run! I feel like I might just be a tiny bit crazy. I wonder if everyone feels like this when their "A" race is over.

Am I putting too much emphasis on training? Or is it that it's become such a part of me that I don't know how to fill the time otherwise? 

I will be starting half IM training in January, which isn't too far off, but it seems like forever. Sigh...

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